Mental Health & Counseling Agency Providing Anger Management, Substance Abuse, Domestic Violence & Parenting Classes in Los Angeles
Hello! Idom Industries, Inc. is your one-stop shop for your court-approved individual counseling, therapy, domestic violence, substance abuse, anger management, and parenting classes.
How Idom Industries Can Help You

Anger Management
We provide 13, 24, and 52 weeks of Anger Management Classes with a certificate of completion.

Court Ordered Classes
Domestic Violence, Anger Management, Mental Health Services, Children’s Court, and Much More.

Family Services & Drug Testing
We specialize and focus on reducing Conflict for Separated and Divorced Parents for Los Angeles Superior Court. Also, we provide urine drug testing and breath alcohol tests.

Substance Abuse Counseling
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (Provider). We provide a wide variety of Mental Health Services, classes and courses

Child Program
Our comprehensive services encompass Child Mental Health Counseling, ABA therapy, behavior therapy, conduct disorder assistance, and infants' stimulation programs.

Blue Cross & Medi-Cal Program
We offer Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Behavioral Health Services for Autism. To help increase language and communication skills.
Regional Center Services
Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center
1605 West Olympic Blvd Suite 1047 Los Angeles, CA 90015
Enhanced Substance Abuse (SLS) Supportive Living Program
Court-Approved and Non-Court-Approved Anger Management Classes
Westside Regional Center
2450 Colorado Avenue Suite 100E Santa Monica, CA, 90404
Enhanced Substance Abuse (SLS) Supportive Living Program
VENDOR #PW8427-999
Court-Approved and Non-Court-Approved Anger Management Classes
Idom Industries is a Culturally Sensitive Agency that Caters to Every Culture,
Helping People with a Variety of Health Conditions



Personal Disorders
Idom Industries was founded in 2006. We are concerned about the Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security of our clients. Our family environment sets us apart from similar businesses.
Idom Industries Inc. is family-owned and operated in Los Angeles, CA. Since opening in 2006, we’ve treated every customer like they were a part of our family. Other companies may offer similar services, but our services come with a personal touch.
Our company specializes in providing court-approved counseling, therapy, domestic violence classes, substance abuse classes, drug testing, drug laboratory specimen testing, parenting classes, and anger management classes for individuals or individuals who have been diagnosed with a neuro-developmental disability and a mental health disorder such as bipolar, disorder, OCD, anxiety, PTSD, substance use disorders, personality disorders, cerebral palsy, and/or seizure disorder.
Substance Abuse
Parenting Classes
Parenting classes are educational courses parents attend to learn about caring for their children. Parents attend the classes based on court orders or simply as a way to learn better parenting skills.
Domestic Violence
What We Offer
Medic First Aid Certificates
First Aid Certificates
CPR Certificates
First Aid Training
CPR Training Center
AED Training Center
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (Provider)
We provide the following Mental Health Services:
Making Parenting A Pleasure Classes in English and Spanish
$25 Intake and $25 for each classes
* Prevention and Early Prevention
* Making Parenting A Pleasure
* Deaf and Hearing Impaired Services
* American Indian School Life Skills
* Drop In Center
* Emergency Shelter
* Transportation Services
* Educational Skills
* Social Skills
* Veteran Services for returning Iraq and Afghanistan Military
* Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
* TAY ages 14-25
* Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depression & Special Needs
* Other Mental Health Services
Organizational Chart
Byron Idom, President / C.E.O.
Dr. Greg Bohall, M.S., CCFC, C.R.C., CSOTS, MAC, CADC-ll, ICADC
Clinically Certified Forensic Counselor
Certified Rehabilitation Counselor
Certified Sex Offender Treatment Specialist
Master Addiction Counselor
Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor- ll
Internationally Certified Alcohol & Drug Counselor
Darren Lemon, BCBA
Board Certified Behavioral Analyst
Wendy Lakes, MFT (Intern)
Marriage and Family Therapist
Lawanna Stewart-Barnes, M.A.
School Psycology
School Counseling
Target Population and Services Provided.
For infants, children, youth and adults, who are dually diagnosed with intellectual and mental health disabilities, such as mild to profound mental retardation, bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, psychotic disorder, OCD, anxiety, ADHD, sleep disorder and personality disorders. individuals behavior profile may include episodic self-injury, assaultive or aggressive behaviors, screaming, spitting, property damage, severe hyperactivity, inappropriate sexual behaviors, life threatening PICA or other seriously maladaptive behaviors. and major depression. Consumers may be high risk or high needs and formerly incarcerated.
Department of Developmental Service https://www.dds.ca.gov/
Idom Industries Inc, is happy to coordinate all of your Military related services for the United States Army, U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, U.S. Coast Guard, the Commissioned Corps, Public Health Services, and the commissioned Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Behavioral Health Staff
Michael Vital, MFT
Marriage and Family Therapist
(310) 671-0023
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
Can occur after a person has a very serious or life threatening traumatic experience. For Veterans this event often occurs during combat.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
We provide (CBT) to help individuals understand the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors learn new patterns of thinking
Cognitive Processing Therapy
a form of (CBT) that involved writing about one’s traumatic experience and correcting negative thought patterns
Tricare is a regionally managed health care program for Active Duty, Active Guard and Reserves, Retired Members of the uniformed services, their families, and survivors. TRICARE brings together the health care resources of the Army, Navy and Marine Corp
Initial Diagnotic Evaluation Services
Pyschotherapy with parient and family
Family pyschotherapy
Multiple-family group psychotherapy
Group psychotherapy
Developmental Disabilities
Counseling Services
Behavior Modification
Crisis Intervention
Anthem Blue Cross Behavioral Network & EAP (Provider)
Child Sexual Abuse
Domestic Violence
Victims With Disabilities
Gang Violence
Survivors of Homicide
Crisis Counseling
Crisis Prevention
Group Therapy
Support Groups
Mental Health Illnesses
United States Military Services
Law Enforcement
Los Angeles Superior Court-Orders
Children’s Court
Child Physical Abuse
Sexual Offense
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
We provide urine drug testing and breath alcohol tests.
Idom Industries
Why Idom Industries?
Idom Industries, Inc. team is a specialized group of staff that includes a Forensic Doctor, a Licensed Educational Psychologist, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, A Board Certified Behavioral Analysis, an (ABA) Applied Behavioral Analysis, and other specialized Behavioralists. We care for the welfare and safety of our clients. Idom Industries, Inc. is a Non-Profit organization that exists to provide superior culturally sensitive and person-centered services throughout Southern California.
We value the care, welfare, and safety of all of our clients.
We’re their support system and someone for them to call when they’re having a bad day or struggling with life issues. Our vision is to be the model system for individualized and culturally sensitive services throughout the State of California and the nation.
Consumer-specific Program
This program is not your “Treatment as usual” domestic violence program. Dr. Bohall has created the consumer-specific program that spans for 52 weeks and meets for 2 or up to 10 hours per week (2 hours per day).
Professional Counselors
How our counselors phrase things with our clients. Avoid anything that has to do with “what could you have done differently? Questions, anything that would allude to how the client contributed to their current situation… It is a delicate balance, but it’s really important to avoid language that even inadvertently suggest a victim is somewhat at fault for being in that relationship.
StateTrait Anger Expression Inventory-2
A unique component of this program is the regular use orf the StateTrait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2). This inventory will be given to consumers bimonthly (for a total of 6-7 administrations throughout the year. The STAXI-2 provides a plethora of information including the intensity of anger feelings and the expression of the anger (verbal or physical) as well as how often these feelings are experienced over time.

Qualified Instructors



We Care